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Why Do I Get Heartburn Every Time I Eat? May 2nd, 2024

Do you find yourself reaching for the antacids every time you finish a meal, plagued by the uncomfortable sensation caused by heartburn every time you finish a meal? If so, you're not alone.  Heartburn after eating is a common complaint, and its causes can vary from person to person. Understanding...

What to Expect Within 24 Hours of Your First Colonoscopy Apr 2nd, 2024

Are you scheduled for your first colonoscopy and have no idea what to expect after your procedure? We’re here to ease your concerns.  Here at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC, our board-certified physician, Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa, walks you through what you can expect during the hours that follow your procedure...

6 Foods to Help Relieve Constipation Mar 1st, 2024

Constipation is a common digestive issue that can cause great discomfort and frustration. While there are various over-the-counter remedies available, there are natural ways you can alleviate your symptoms. One effective approach is to incorporate certain foods into your diet that can promote regular bowel movements and relieve constipation.  Dr....

Is Bright Red Blood in My Stool Dangerous? Feb 1st, 2024

Seeing bright red blood in your stool can be alarming and concerning. It's a symptom that can have various underlying causes, some of which may not be serious, while others may require our immediate medical attention.  Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa and our team at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC in Katy,...

Why Do I Have Diarrhea So Often? Jan 9th, 2024

Experiencing frequent diarrhea can be distressing and disruptive to your daily life. It's a common concern that can happen due to various factors, some of which might be related to your diet, lifestyle, underlying health conditions, or even stress.  At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC in Katy, Texas, Dr. Oforbuike...

Tips for Starting an Elimination Diet Dec 2nd, 2023

If you've been dealing with unexplained digestive issues, skin problems, or other mysterious health concerns, Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa and our team at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC may recommend an elimination diet as a potential solution. Elimination diets are designed to help identify your food sensitivities or allergies by temporarily...

Help! I Just Found Out My Child Is Lactose Intolerant Nov 2nd, 2023

Discovering that your child is lactose intolerant can be a challenging and overwhelming moment for any parent. It might raise questions about their diet, nutrition, and overall well-being. However, learning about lactose intolerance and how to manage it can make this journey much smoother for both you and your child....

Could You Have IBS and Not Know? Oct 1st, 2023

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects 10-15% of the United States population. It causes symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements.  While some individuals are well aware of their IBS, it’s possible to be living with it and not even know. At Imperial Digestive Health...

Fiber Myths Many People Still Believe Sep 1st, 2023

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, but it remains shrouded in myths and misconceptions that can prevent you from fully harnessing its benefits. As Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa and our team at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC strive to help you make informed dietary choices, let’s unravel these...

Everything You Didn't Know About Cirrhosis Aug 2nd, 2023

While you might have some understanding of cirrhosis and the effects it can have on your body and quality of life, here at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC,  Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa and our team want to help you understand everything there is to know about this condition. Let’s start here:...

Our Favorite Foods for When You're Dealing with Abdominal Pain Jul 10th, 2023

Dealing with abdominal pain can be uncomfortable and challenging. Whether it's due to digestive issues, inflammation, or other underlying conditions, finding relief becomes a top priority.  While seeking medical advice at our Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC practice in Katy, Texas, is crucial for a proper diagnosis and treatment, Dr....

Stop Ignoring That Hemorrhoid and Do This Instead Jun 2nd, 2023

Do you have a hemorrhoid? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Hemorrhoids are a common condition that affects men and women. In fact, it’s estimated that 50% of adults will experience hemorrhoids by age 50. So, if you’re currently ignoring this uncomfortable problem, consider doing something about it.  Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa...

What to Do If You Have Blood in Your Stool May 14th, 2023

We understand that finding blood in your stool can be somewhat alarming. Not only can this symptom make you feel uncomfortable, but it can also indicate a serious underlying medical condition.  If you have blood in your stool, turn to us at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC as soon as possible. Dr. Oforbuike...

I'm Eating Plenty of Fiber — Why Am I Still Constipated? Apr 1st, 2023

Let’s face it. When you can’t “go,” you can experience all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms, such as feeling bloated, having cramps, and having hard, dry stools when and if you have them. If you’ve tried eating a high-fiber diet, and you’re still having issues, we can help.  Here at Imperial...

How to Prepare for Your First Endoscopy Mar 13th, 2023

If you’re scheduled for your first endoscopy, and you simply don’t know how to prepare or what to expect, we have the information you need. Dr. Oforbuike Ewelukwa and our team at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists PLLC in Katy, Texas are trained specialists in endoscopic procedures. We have the expertise...

4 Foods That Can Increase Acid Reflux Symptoms Feb 13th, 2023

If you struggle with acid reflux symptoms, the foods you eat could be triggering this uncomfortable condition.  Your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) naturally closes to prevent the contents of your stomach from moving back up into your esophagus. However, if your LES has weakened or become damaged, you can experience...

3 Types of Liver Disease and What They Mean for Your Health Jan 2nd, 2023

Liver disease occurs for several different reasons. Learning how it develops and finding out more about the different types can help you stay educated on how to take care of your health — and learn how to manage it if you have it. As a board-certified internal medicine physician and...

Why Do I Keep Getting Hemorrhoids? Dec 7th, 2022

If you suffer from the discomfort of recurring hemorrhoids, you might be looking for a solution that will stop them happening. Here at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, PLLC, we can provide some answers that can ease your issue.  Dr. Ewelukwa and our team can provide tips to help you avoid...

How Do I Know If My Abdominal Pain Is Serious? Nov 3rd, 2022

Stomachaches aren’t uncommon. Most everyone has experienced mild abdominal pain on occasion for various reasons. But how do you know if your issue is a serious concern? Dr. Ewelukwa is our expert board-certified physician in internal medicine and gastroenterology at Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, PLLC. If you suffer from any kind of abdominal pain, he...

3 Serious Signs of Constipation That Demand Care Oct 1st, 2022

Most people have a normal bowel movement anywhere from three times a day to three times a week. However, frequent constipation is a common problem that affects about 4 million Americans.  If you suffer from constipation, you need to know when it should be addressed. If it goes ignored, it could...

Here’s What You Should Know Before Your Colonoscopy Sep 1st, 2022

A colonoscopy is an excellent diagnostic technique we use to evaluate the health of your colon and to identify any issues that might need to be addressed. We understand that this painless procedure may seem a bit daunting when you don’t know how to prepare or what to expect, but...

Are Laxatives Safe to Use Regularly? Aug 1st, 2022

If you’re constipated, one of the easiest things to do is pick up an over-the-counter laxative and take it as prescribed on the box. But, hold on! You may be creating an even bigger problem. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, we have the expertise to give you guidance on how to...

What Your Yellow Eyes May Be Telling You Jul 1st, 2022

If you notice that the whites of your eyes have shifted to a yellowish color, your body is telling you something. The yellowing of your eyes means you have a condition called jaundice, which isn’t a disease. However, this noticeable change is typically a sign that your bile ducts, gallbladder,...

My Spouse Belches Too Much Jun 1st, 2022

Belching can be a common problem. It can also be a funny one until it gets annoying. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, we have the expertise to address this topic, especially if it’s causing issues for you physically — and, oddly enough, relationally. Yes, the spouse that comfortably lets out a...

8 Conditions That Cause Bloody Stool May 1st, 2022

If you have blood in your stool, this could be a troubling sign that something isn’t right, or it could mean nothing at all.  If you notice blood in the toilet after you have a bowel movement or even after straining, you should reach out to our team at Imperial...

Do I Need Treatment for My Hemorrhoids? Apr 1st, 2022

You might feel embarrassed talking about hemorrhoids, but you shouldn’t. They’re a common problem, affecting about 1 in 20 men and women and about half of all adults older than 50. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, the topic of hemorrhoids is one we address often. Board-certified Oforbuike Ewelukwa, MD, MSc, and our team understand the discomfort...

5 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Cancer Mar 1st, 2022

If you could take a magic pill to keep cancer away, would you do it? Although that type of pill doesn’t exist, you can make some simple changes to promote a cancer-free life. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, we offer preventive care in addition to colonoscopies to rule out cancer...

What to Do About Chronic Constipation Feb 10th, 2022

Chronic constipation affects about 15-20% of people in the United States. This long-term condition causes you to have infrequent bowel movements that cause excessive straining. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, board-certified Oforbuike Ewelukwa, MD, MSc, and our team of constipation specialists have the expertise and experience to diagnose and treat...

Endoscopy: What to Expect Jan 16th, 2022

If you suffer from digestive problems, an endoscopy can help our team figure out what’s going on. We can get a visual of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract to look for issues in your esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestine, colon, and rectum. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, board-certified Oforbuike Ewelukwa,...

6 Tips to Help Control Your Acid Reflux Symptoms Dec 14th, 2021

The symptoms of acid reflux can range from mild to severe. You may have tried several over-the-counter products, but you might not know that there are other ways to stop these symptoms. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, our team, led by board-certified Oforbuike Ewelukwa, MD, MSc, knows how to help...

The Dangers of Putting off That Colonoscopy Nov 23rd, 2021

Do you have anxiety at the thought of a colonoscopy? Or maybe you have concerns about the procedure or what results it might find. We’re here to put your worries to rest. At Imperial Digestive Health Specialists, board-certified Oforbuike Ewelukwa, MD, MSc, leads our team in understanding and treating gastroenterologist...

Spotting the Warning Signs of Liver Disease Oct 1st, 2021

You probably don’t think about your liver too much, but it performs important jobs for you. It removes toxins and waste from your body, helps you digest your food, and holds sugar that produces energy. You can’t live without it. Liver disease can be life-threatening, so it’s important for you...